What is SectionList in React Native

Why We Use Section List in React Native –

In this tutorial we are going to discuss about “What is SectionList in React Native“, SectionList component allow you to create a list of content which is broken up into scrollable sections. SectionLists are same as Flat -list but in the sectionList you extend the FlatList functionality even further.

In React Native SectionList is a list view component which sets the list of data into broken parts with sections and the broken data can be implemented using its section header prop renderSectionHeader.

Output Example –

section list example

Props of SectionList –

So let’s start integrating section list, follow all the steps –

Step 1 – Creating App

Here i am going to create a react native app first where we integrate the section list –

react-native init sectionListExample

Step 2 – Import the SectionList

Now you can import the section list where you want to integrate it.

import {SectionList,Text, View } from 'react-native';  

Step 3 – State Declaration

Here we declare the state and store the section list formate data in array and it’s a very important part because your array need to in this formate for integrate section list.

Array form is like – you see here there is a array of data and then a separate string for title declaration, your API response is must be in this form.

this.state = {
              title: 'Itechinsiders',
              data: [
                type:'React Native',
                type:'Tech News',
              title: 'Itechinsiders',
              data: [
                type:'React Native',
                type:'Tech News',
              title: 'Itechinsiders',
              data: [
                type:'React Native',
                type:'Tech News',
              title: 'Itechinsiders',
              data: [
                type:'React Native',
                type:'Tech News',

Step 4 – View Design

Here we design the view for section list.

render() {
    const { sectionListData } = this.state;
    return (
     <View style={{}}>
      <SectionList sections={sectionListData}
        ListFooterComponent={() => (
           <View style={{marginBottom:10}} />
        renderItem={({item, index}) =>
        renderSectionHeader={({section:{title}}) => (
        <View style={{paddingLeft:14}}>
          <Text style={{color:'gray'>{title}</Text>                           

Step 5 – Run The App

firstly we need to goto the path where the app is located then run the app.

cd sectionListExample
//Run it on the android device
react-native run-android

//run on the iOS simulator 
react-native run-ios

So we completed the react native sectionList which is “What is SectionList in React Native“.

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If have any query/issue, please feel free to ask.

Happy Coding Guys.

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