• Course Overview
  • Platforms, Frameworks & Tools
  • Hybrid frameworks versus Native
  • ES6 Javascript Basics
  • React native and DOM
  • React Native vs Web Apps Vs React App
  • JSX
  • Components
  • Component Composition
  • Props
  • Prop Types
  • Event Handlers
  • State
  • Installing React Native
  • iOS setup – XCode
  • Android setup – Android Studio
  • Run an example project in iOS and Android simulators
  • Setup the folder structure
  • Customiz the App.js
  • Creating a index file for each folder
  • Detail info about react native life cycle
  • Calling the life cycle
  • Creating a first app with 5 scenes
  • Scenes name –
    • Creating a splash screen
    • Creating a login screen
    • Creating a introduction slider screen
    • Creating a signup screen
    • Creating a home screen
    • Creating a profile update screen
  • App icon setup
  • Splash screen from app side as well native side
  • Validation in app
  • Multi-click handling
  • Loader putting condition
  • Device back handling
  • Exit message on very fast page of app
  • Placing images at app side and native side
  • Installing and setup Navigation
  • Customising Header
  • Making custom file for screens
  • Creating a index file
  • Understanding the importance of live App
  • Styling the App
  • Built-in components
    • Establishing a layout with View
    • Displaying text with Text
    • Accepting user input with TextInput
    • Adding images with Image
    • Making components interactive with TouchableHighlight
    • Displaying data with ListView
  • Changing screens with Navigator
  • Expanding touch capability with GestureResponder and PanResponder
  • Creating Views (Scenes)
  • Using CSS
  • Inline Styles
  • Create Immutable style objects with Stylesheet.create
  • Pass styles as props
  • Flex box use
  • Positioning components with flexbox
  • Using fetch to retrieve data
  • Checking the internet connection for API calling
  • Getting a userʼs location and handling permissions
  • Making API call in a single file and calling it