
Create Custom Admin Menu in Magento 2

Dear Developer, Magento also allows to create the custom admin menu items. So, follow the step by step instruction to create custom admin menu. Step 1: Configure your custom module Step 2: Register Your module with Magento Step 3: Create your custom menu Step 4: Clean the cache Step 1: Configure your Custom Module To…


Magento 2.x Command short hand code

Dear developer, here’s some of the short hand command for Magento 2.x , which use mostly during development: Setup upgrade Command (if add/remove any module): php bin/magento s:up Enable All Cache: ​​​​​​php bin/magento c:e Static Content Deploy (if change in any UI file): php bin/magento s:s:d di Compile: php bin/magento s:d:c To Clean “var” folder:…