• I am sure you guys have prepared your introduction, but still, I’m suggesting you include the following points in your introduction.
  • Tell him about your total project and the industry of the project
  • Tell them about some of third third-party lib that you used
  • Tell them about version control
  • Tell them about project management tools
  • Tell them some of your difficult apps
  • React Native is a JavaScript framework for writing real, natively rendering mobile applications for iOS and Android. 
  • It’s based on React, Facebook’s JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • But instead of targeting the browser, it targets mobile platforms
  • The React Native apps can use only a few of APIs into their development processes For implementing complex APIs, you need to build a connection layer using Native technologies. This clearly indicates that Native is a better choice over React Native when you have to add a myriad of APIs.
  • There are 4 types of Lifecycle methods available in React Native
  • 1. Mounting methods
    • constructor()
    • componentWillMount() (Deprecated after RN 0.60)
    • render()
    • componentDidMount()
  • 2. Updating methods
    • componentWillReceiveProps() (Deprecated after RN 0.60)
    • shouldComponentUpdate()
    • componentWillUpdate() (Deprecated after RN 0.60)
    • componentDidUpdate()
  • 3. Unmounting methods
    • componentWillUnmount()
  • 4. Error handling methods
    • componentDidCatch()
  • Props provide properties to components inserted in a program, which makes components modifiable and customizable. For example, the same component might be used in different parts of an app. When we use props, we can alter the component’s appearance or behavior
  • You can send data from one page to another by using props in react native
  • Props are used to transfer data from parent to child, while state is used to manipulate data within a component. We can get the props value from the parent component, where we get the value of the state object from the initial data defined in the constructor () method.
  • In React Native, the state refers to information about a property at a given time. Unlike props, the state is mutable; it can change. Typically, this will occur when a user interacts with the component.
  • For example, if your app had a filling form that users are invited to complete, the state of that component would change when the user types something in.
  • Create Immutable style objects with Stylesheet.create
  • The key difference between props and state is that state is internal and controlled by the component itself, while props are external and controlled by what the component renders.
  • JSX stands for JavaScript XML. It’s just a JavaScript syntactic extension. This allows us to write HTML directly in React (in JavaScript code). It’s easy to create a template using JSX in React, but it’s not a simple templating language, but the full power of JavaScript.
  • With React Native, you style your app with JavaScript. All the core components accept a property named style. The style names and values usually correspond to how CSS works on the web, except that the names are written in camel case, such as backgroundColor rather than background-color
  • In order to catch an error in a component, we must wrap that component inside an “Error Boundary” component.
  • But we would not get any errors because it is React that calls the Component, not us. In other words, try/catch does not work with components. The solution: Error boundaries Error boundaries are React components that catch JavaScript errors anywhere in their child component tree, log those errors, and display a fallback UI instead of the component tree that crashed. Error boundaries catch errors during rendering, in lifecycle methods, and in constructors of the whole tree below them. “Adding error boundaries lets you provide better user experience when something goes wrong”
  • In React Native apps, Flexbox is used to provide a consistent layout across different screen types. The Flexbox algorithm helps to structure the positioning of different components and create a responsive UI for the end user.
  • Getting Started. styled-components utilises tagged template literals to style your components. It removes the mapping between components and styles. This means that when you’re defining your styles, you’re actually creating a normal React component, that has your styles attached to it.
  • With styled components, the styles are defined directly in the JavaScript code, while with CSS, the styles are defined in a separate file. In conclusion, both styled components and CSS have their own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to styling React
  • There are several techniques for optimizing the performance of FlatList items. For example, we can.
  • Avoid using 1080P HD images
  • Optimize the maxToRenderPerBatch prop
  • Use the getItemLayout prop
  • Use the keyExtractor prop
  • Use fewer views
  • Optimize the windowSize prop

Some Advance Label Questions With Answer

These questions are very important and most asked questions in interview for medium label and experienced developer, so follow it.

  • There are several techniques for optimizing the performance of FlatList items. For example, we can.
  • Avoid using 1080P HD images
  • Optimize the maxToRenderPerBatch prop
  • Use the getItemLayout prop
  • Use the keyExtractor prop
  • Use fewer views
  • Optimize the windowSize prop

So we completed the react-native which is the “React Native Interview Question

Here You find my next post here.

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