How we set radio or checkbox button pre-selected in ionic3

Setting radio or checkbox button pre-selected:

Here we learn “How we set radio or checkbox button pre-selected in ionic3“, in this article we set the radio button or checkbox preselected.

So if we want to set one radio box pre-selected, then we use [ngModel], so letʼs start.

Output example –

How we set radio or checkbox button pre-selected in ionic3

Follow these steps for keep radio or checkbox button pre-selected.

Step 1:

Firstly we declare a variable.

support_further_education: any= male;

Step 2:

Here we need to implement the code, in which page you want to implement the code.

<ion-row radio-group [(ngModel)]="support_further_education">

<ion-radio value="male" item-left class="mg_right_col2"></ion-radio>

<ion-radio value="female" item-left class="mg_right_col2"></ion-radio>

Step 3: How can I use a ngModel on an ion-checkbox for pre-selection.

So here we use ngModel for selecting a checkbox.

my_position: any = []; 

for(let postion of this.posts)//position is array 
  for(let sel_postion of current_selected_position)
  {  //and current_selected_position is array of that position which 
   we want to put pre-selected
 {  //this if match the condition on behalf of id 
  this.my_position.push(postion['idʼ])//Now we push that selected id 

Step 4:

Now we implement the design part of app.

 <ion-select [(ngModel)]="my_position" cancelText="cancel"
  okText="ok" multiple="true"><ion-option value="{{}}" 
  *ngFor="let position of specilist_position”>
  {{position.title}} </ion-option>

Why i choose ionic –

I’m a big fan of ionic with angular, because it is very easy to implement complicated concepts and designs, in above example i am explain you in detail how to create a very simple radio box checked.

So we complete the tutorial which is “How we set radio or checkbox button pre-selected in ionic3“.

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Happy Coding Guys.

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